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Construction / Warning
Danger, warning, site, sign, construction, signs, uk, gb. Danger, warning, site, sign, construction, signs, uk, gb, No pedestrians / Fork-lift access only. Fork lift.
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Construction / Warning

Danger demolition in progress, beware falling debris. Unsafe structure. Any operatives found urinating instantly dismissed. Private property keep out, caution incomplete area
risk of accident. Site sign, site signs. Danger Quarry workings Keep out. Warning CCTV cameras monitor this site. Men at work, warning to public, private property, trespassers
will be prosecuted. Danger construction site keep out, warning construction multi-purpose, building site. Danger keep clear. Warning CCTV cameras monitor this site. Warning
CCTV cameras in operation. HSE Health and safety law poster. Posters, notice, notices. Danger guard dogs, keep out. Danger fragile roof, use crawling boards. Danger
polluted water bathing prohibited in this area. Construction site. Building, builders. Keep clear. Site safety starts here. For your safety. Visitors and contractors vehicles.
Men working overhead, hazard, security checks in operation, stop and report on request. Beware falling objects, danger quarry works. Unauthorised removal of plant and
materials is stealing. Construction. Prosecuted, asbestos removal in progress, deep excavations, Warning this site is protected by barbed wire. Overhead crane. Underground
services. Hazardous area keep out. Warning to public. Guard dogs, any person found abusing these facilities, liable, instant dismissal. Site entrance, theft or vandalism, wet
paint, maintenance in progress. Men at work, scaffold incomplete, deep water. Motorway maintenance, highway, construction, working overhead.
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Construction / Warning Signs
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